

Dax had me cracking up today!!

Dax (after hurting his leg): Owie mommy!!! It hurts! Take it off. Take off my leg!!
Me ( walking behind him, he's naked on the way to his bath): Look at that cutie-patootie-tushie!!!
Dax: You like my tushie mama? 
Me: Yes! Love it.
Dax: I like my penis. I like my big penis.
**DISCLAIMER: He knows the anatomically correct term for his genitals, but we NEVER discuss size or extra facts about them. That is an innate boy thing to discuss size.***
Dax (after I've sing every song in my repertoire at bath time): Sing me a different song mommy.
Me: I don't know any more. What do you want a song about?
Dax: Dolphins.
Me: (freestyles a song about dolphins.)
Dax: Sing me another song. 
Me: About what?
Dax: Vacuums.
Me: (freestyles song about vacuums)

And this is him waiting on the garbage truck this morning- his favorite thing ever! 

Dax's One Man Band

Ada spent the night with MiMi and Steve last night and is STILL out being spoiled rotten with them! (I miss her, but know she's having the BEST day!) Daddy's golfing all day (and by all day I mean ALL DAY... 6:30-"I'm gonna be pretty late")- so Dax and Mommy (and Tate!) have been having a nice little day together as a party of 2.5!  We sang and danced for a while, which turned into a little one-man-band concert on the stairs.  So adorable.  I love him so much!

My favorite part of the entire 2 minute something video are the last few seconds. :)

Tate's First Time in the Exersaucer (and Dax and Ada's, too!)

I should have put Tate in the Exersaucer, like, 2 months ago.  He's always craving more stimulation, more things to grab, taste, listen to, feel, etc.  I finally pulled the Exersaucer out of hiding and plopped him in it (he's well over 3 months- 4 months next week). I was so excited to get a picture of his sure-to-be-amazingly-thrilled-face.... but he was really quite unimpressed with everything!  I mean, he enjoyed himself (see video!).  But I suppose having the two older siblings he's got kind of has his expectations set high in terms of entertainment. :)

Here is a little video of Tate in the Exersaucer, and Dax being random.

Dax's first time(s) in the Exersaucer- total brothers. Dax was a few weeks younger in these pictures.

Tate actually did this exact thing- pounding on the little bubble covering the springs.  I just didn't get a picture of him doing it.

Here was Ada during her first Exersaucer experience.  Epic faces. :)

 And another of Ada at 4 months, just because.  <3 p="">


Tate Goes Surfing

Tate's newest trick is doing push-ups.  He does them nonstop.  He is going to be so ripped by the time he's 4 months old!!!  Here are some pictures and a video of his new hobby.  I think it looks like he's surfing and catching waves!

Dax plays "I Spy"...

We play a LOT of "I Spy".... Dax's skills are improving.  Just a few weeks ago, his turn went something like this:
"I spy, wif my widdle eye, somefin' that is... CROUTONS!"

Now, he's getting the hang of giving us hints using colors.  He likes to choose markers in the marker cup a lot.
"I spy, wif my widdle eye, somefin' that is... GWEEN!" then "BWUE!"  and then "WED!"

Here is a little video of him playing at dinner the other night.  So cute. :)


Ada's Dance Recital 6/7/2013

About 2 weekends ago Ada had a little dance recital at The Little Gym- she was the cutest, sweetest, most precious little thing EVER!!

First the videos-

Ballet- Hawaiian Rainbow (she's the 2nd from the left.  You know, the cutest one doing AWESOME!  She zones out a little about 1:15 in because she sees me filming her; but otherwise she was spot on!)-

Tap- Zoo Animal Song (she's the last one on the left for this dance! It's hard to hear the music...)-

And now for the photoshoot- in typical Ada fashion!!

So beautiful -

Tate at 14 Weeks- Video

I took this video the same day I took all of THESE pictures of Tate working so hard to reach and grasp objects... I just didn't post it because I was posting from my phone at the moment!! :)  He is so adorable.


Tate Face- 14 Weeks

This kid has relentlessly practiced his hand eye coordination this past week. I mean any chance he gets. He's getting pretty darn good too- I'm a little scared by his determination. I don't even remember Dax being this obsessed with hitting a milestone! And of course, he does it all with an array of the cutest faces you've ever seen ;)

Over projected-?

Sheer concentration right there-

I got it! Now, I want to put it in my mouth...
Back off! This is my toy! I've been grabbing for this thing for a week...

Update: And here's a video!

Photo Dump

Photos from the last few days :)

Tee ball is over- what a fun spring!!
Tate craned around watching women's tennis... Or Maria Sharapova.
Headed to a Stella and Dot trunk show! I like how Tate added poop to my shirt to match my necklace ;)
Mimi met me at Katy's trunk show to hang with Tate and Ada!!!
Then we met Katy, Mia, and Ben at the zoo on Monday! It was miserably hot, but so good to see the Schilhabs...
Picnic at the zoo. Why does he always look up to something!? 
Winning!! Dax entertained and sweeping my floors in one.
Sweet brothers-
Ada playing sight word BINGO (I just made it in Word)-mostly for the gummy worms!!!
Lots more to post about but I have to do it on the desktop bc there are videos involved!