
I'm on the mend! Ada's now sniffling and coughing, so I took the day off today (it's the only "convenient" day this week for me to miss work), brought her in to Dr. Gonzalez (even though I knew she wasn't sick yet), and we now have a Rx waiting to be called in should we need it! (That's one of the many reasons we love him.) For the last year or so, she's been pretty much petrified at the doctor's office... and she did SUCH a great job today. She stood on the big girl scale, let the Nurse Nelly and Dr. G take all of her vitals, poke, and prod- she even pulled down her pants and let Dr. G check out a wierd rash on her hiney. :) Here are some pictures of the big girl:

We had a really nice "girl's day out" afterwards at Target (we love Target!) and the Chick-Fil-A playground (just like old times!)- because I'm not sure when the next one we'll get will be! (Sniff sniff) While she napped I nested like a psycho preggo. I dust-bustered the couches. I washed and dried and re-assembled lots of old baby toys/playmats/boppy pillows/chairs/etc. I recently dusted all of the baseboards and air vents. All that's left of my list is to wash Dax's NEW clothes and blankies and to get the carpets steam cleaned (which will happen this weekend). He'll be here before we know it- I'm almost 33 weeks! Yowzers.... The house is ready, but am I?????

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