
Dax Christian Dowell

Dax Christian Dowell was born on March 16, 2011 at 1:19am- weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 6oz and 21in long! Yeah, that's big... but it's extraordinarily big considering he was only 37 weeks! He is absolutely perfect and precious and healthy; and Mommy, Daddy, and big sister Ada are madly in love with our Dax Attack!

I started having contractions 5-6 minutes apart about 8pm on Tuesday night- but didn't think much about them because they were no more painful than the contractions I've been having since I was 4 months pregnant. In less than an hour, though, they were 3 minutes apart, I was in a ton of pain, and MiMi was being paged. Another hour later- MiMi had just arrived, I was puking in the car with contractions 2 minutes apart, and we were speeding to the hospital! When we got to the hospital I was dilated to almost a 7... but that didn't seem to put a rush on things (which they will hear about in my satisfaction survey, haha!)- we still had to go through the ENTIRE intake process (which took about 45 minutes- I hollered the entire time), bloodwork, paiging the anesthiologist. By the time the epidural was being placed in my back, I was 9 cm dilated and feeling the urge to push... I could tell they were hesitant to give me the meds, but I was being such a pain in a$$ that I think they decided it couldn't hurt! I was pushing Dax out about 20 minutes later!

This is me when the epidural finally began to kick in:

Then, OILA! Out popped a perfect baby boy!

Instantly in love:

Snuggling with Daddy:

Swaddled and sleeping:
Brother and sister meeting for the first time- the most precious moment of my life!!!
Too cute:
I love my babies!
Leaving the hospital on Thursday! We begged them to let us out a day early- I was so over the hospital stay.
Getting dressed for the first time:
First car ride home- look how big he is!! It took Ada weeks (months?) to grow out of the white cushion!
Chillin' in Ada's pink boppy chair! He's so masculine it doesn't even phase him. ;)
Mommy, Dax, and Ada hanging on the couch. Pretty much the perfect afternoon:


Megan said...

he's sooo cute! i wonder if he's going to stay such a big boy! and what a fast labor! i'm shocked they gave you that epidural, but nice of them to do it then. I will miss you on Monday, but I'm glad you are enjoying Dax on the outside!

Haffner's World said...

Welcome to the world sweet Dax!!! So glad everyone is healthy!!! congratulations!

The Borgman's said...

CONGRATS! He is precious and I am in love with his face rolls! I have to admit...my hormones got the best of me when I stopped at the picture of Big sister and brother meeting for the first time. PRECIOUS ( the waterworks were in total effect over here)!!!!
Enjoy your time off!!