
A Random Weekday Post

I'm pumping at school as I write this!  (TMI?  Sorry.)  My friend helped me rig up a way to be able to pump at my desk so I'm not just wasting 45 minutes of my doing nothing but pump (she actually GAVE me her curtain to cover my window)!  So now I can enter grades, email parents, etc during my conference, lunch, and after school, just like every other normal human being!  :)

So, I thought I'd post a quick blog.  We had a NICE relaxing weekend at the Dowell house-nothing special to write about. Here are some cute pictures I've snapped recently with my phone:

My principal gave all of us preggos this Katy Tiger onesie last year as a gift- here's Dax sportin' his!

It's school picture week, and the photographer requested the kids bring their favorite cap, headband, or bow... so we went out and purchased Dax one.  :)

OMG, so cute.  We got him a more "normal" one, too... but I didn't take a picture.  I can't wait to see which one the photographer goes with! (Ada just went in a big yellow bow to match her dress and Dax's shirt).

Ada's birthday party is this weekend!!!!  I sent this little sheet out with the invitations, and I thought it was just so adorable.  So I took a picture of it because I want to remember it forever.  (It's supposed to help guests in purchasing a gift for her- it includes her favorite colors, TV shows, pasttimes, etc.)

Here's my silly girl playing around yesterday afternoon with her cell phone. 
 Some recent Ada-isms:
  • (see picture above): I'm calling somebody.    Someone's ringing ME!  Hello?  Hi.  I have 6... 8....11 soft animals.  (She kept rambling after this but I lost track of the conversation.)
  • (when catching a whiff of a skunk on our drive to school): OOHH!!  My nose is grody!
  • (in a pink blur whizzing past me): I LOVE RELAXING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Momma, I got a WEDGIE...
  • She apparently saw a commercial for the movie "The Green Lantern", and constantly refers to it as "The Green Light Man."  HA!
  • Stay still.  Don't move a muscle.  This is breakable.
  • Stephen's shoes (at school) are so ugly.  They have SPIDERMAN on them.
  • Tickly my feet.  Now this one.  Now this one.  Now this one.
  • Whatcha making? (Me: a baby tie.)  Oh, for your business?
  • Oh, Dax, you love me so much, don't you!?
  • She thinks if she just tells me we're doing something, I'll just happily follow along:
    • We're not going to school today.
    • We're not washing hair today.
    • We're not stopping at the grocery today.

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