
Mall Walking

I am 39 weeks pregnant, and it is March. I never thought I'd make it to either of those milestones before having a baby! I'm miserable, most of you know that. I've been in early labor for weeks and I am so ready to be in so much pain that I'm puking so I know it's finally the real deal!

I've been walking like crazy to try to get this party started. Casey and I took the kids to the Galleria today to do some SERIOUS mall walking. I mean, if you're going to mall walk until your water breaks (it never did), best make the trek to the Mall Walking Mecca, right!?! These pictures were just something hilarious we did to document this ridiculous activity! (Casey kept swearing he wasn't getting a picture, so I stood there and "stretched" for about 5 minutes!)

My water never broke, but a BIG bonus was nearly running into my married-lady-crush KLIFF KINGSBURY!!!!!!!!!!!! He was walking past us with a blonde and I could've reached out and grabbed him! Casey tried his darnedest to convince me to go get a picture with him, but I was far too chicken. (Yes, me. Chicken.) I KNOW Kliff heard us whisper-shouting:
"OMG! Is that? It is! That's Kliff Kingsbury! Should we get a picture!? Yes, totally! Hurry, he's walking off! No, I can't- I'm not wearing make up. Who cares! Let's go meet him! Ok! No, I can't. Ok. No. Ok. No, wait. I can't. He's with a girl! OMG, KLIFF KINGSBURY! It's ok, no picture- he left A&M for Tech."
So no picture- which I regret, but oh well! Here are some pictures of a pregnant lady stretching at the Galleria entrance before mall walking!! :)

1 comment:

Another Texas Family said...

I was just about to text you and ask!