Birthday Toy Obession

Ada and Olivia swinging in the afternoon heat- nothing can keep us from having fun!
HaPpY 1sT BiRtHdAy AdA BuG!!!!
This is a video of you on the day you were born. The crazy ladies singing to you are your Mommy and your MiMi!
The Bug's First Steps
Ada has shown no interest what-so-ever in walking anytime soon. She's very content to crawl and cruise around the perimeter of the living room- but she wanted nothing to do with taking steps on her own. Last night, however, she was standing at the windowsill screeching at the birds in the backyard- turned around, and took about 6 perfect steps across the living room to Casey! She was very surprised and proud of herself- and we were just as taken aback by it all!
Here is a video I took of Ada walking today after school. She's in her Birthday Girl shirt and TuTu because we were trying them on- for her BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! I cannot believe that she's going to be one. I've got whole new post for that one... (The TuTu is too big, I got it a few moinths ago thinking she'd be in 12-18 by now! She'll be in it anway- just wearing it baggy!)
So here are some of Ada's first steps. She's a little cranky and tired, so it takes a while to convince her to show off her new talent- if you don't feel like watching me coax her into walking, forward to about 1:20 into the video!
Having a Ball
Fall Football Fans
And, of course, we had to get Ada to an Aggie Football game before she turned 1! There is a picture I need to dig up of my Mom, Dad, and me with a few Aggie football players when I was about Ada's age- as soon as I find that at Gram's, I will scan and post it, too! Ada had a blast at the Aggie game, too. She is such a good sport! She was a little confused when the entire 12th man began to sway in the stands across the field, but loved being able to yell and cuss "sounds like hell!"
We couldn't find any concession stand food that I would allow her to eat that she could chew and swallow- so by half time she was starving and cranky. I took her out to the car to give her her cheese stick and animal crackers; but I was too exhausted to make the trek back to stadium. So unfortunately, Ada missed the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band forming at the North End of Kyle Field..next time! Thanks Rick for sharing your awesome tix!
Walking to Kyle Field.
Hanging out by the Reveille's before the game- lots of people to investigate!