My Dad is "Pop"- here is Ada pointing to his picture and saying his name!
A Squirt of Mustard
This video cracks me up- Ada's sound effects for squirting mustard out of the bottle are pretty accurate!
Dinner Time Theatrics

Now I remember why I've avoided serving Spaghetti for dinner over the last few months...
This next video is of Ada's acting ability. Happy, then sad. Then happy, and then sad again. She will one day use this against us, I'm sure-
And best one of all- Ada performing her rendition of "Barbara Ann" by The Beach Boys! I can't get enough of this little munchkin! (Please ignore Casey and me in the background... sooooo humiliating.)
Ridin' and Readin'

Cows, Fire Trucks, and Dancing...
This is a clip of Ada moo-ing (or rather, mmmm-ing), riding her Fire Truck, and Dancing one of her silly dances.... I was trying to just catch her telling me what a cow says; but the rest was too cute to edit out! Love this girl soooo much!
A New Discovery...

Bedtime Bliss
Now, it wasn't a problem as long as she got what she wanted at bedtime (I'll save you the details)... and then again 3 hours later. And again 3 hours later. And.. you get the point. She slept through the night from 3-4 months; then came teething- and then never again. Until recently! One night I was too utterly exhausted to go through the whole "please just fall asleep so I can put you in your crib and sneak out" routine so I let her "cry it out" alone. She was NEVER scared; just pissed off. The next night she just curled up on her blankies and hummed until she fell asleep! Then began sleeping THROUGH THE NIGHT. (My friend Katy swore this would be the case- this is exactly what happened with Mia- but I just couldn't bear to try it right away!)
Then came tubes- and she started waking up twice a night again. So, a few nights ago, Casey and I just turned down the monitor and let her fuss. Same scene, different story- she was only mad, not scared (that's my weakness- the minute I hear her scared cry it would be game over.) And she's back to sleeping through the night again!
Praise the Lord! Here are some pictures of her happy in her bed, and getting comfy in her blankies. Love that Baby!!!

Poor Baby!

Pretend Play

Oh, this baby is high tech- he really cries, drools, and rolls around! I think he needs a binky.
*OK; the live baby above Knox Colwell- the CUTEST thing ever!!! He is actually the happiest baby in the world (and that is coming from Ada Dowell's mother!)- he was a little mad here, but this is a rare happening! Ada was so sweet to him- until I held him! Then she was a piss pot the rest of their visit- she even hid his binky and favorite set of toy keys! Poor, poor future Dowell babies.*