Dax is 2 months old today!! And it's my last day of maternity leave. :*( I really don't have to go back to work this year. And I'm wondering why I'm doing this to myself. I do have a few loose ends to tie up for my year next year, and the few dollars more a month I'll make by going back for 2.5 weeks will be nice. But is it worth leaving my babies? We have had an AMAZING 2 months, and I'm so sad it's over. I want to stay home next year, but Casey thinks it'd be stupid. Which, I guess it is since nothing can ever be completely certain in his business... but I can wish, right!?
Anywho- here is Dax's 2 month Monster photo shoot!!! He is so squishy and adorable and perfect!

And, I REALLY thought I'd posted all of these a few days ago, but I can't find that blog post anymore! So, I'm re-posting them just in case.
Dax-7 weeks

Dax-7 weeks

Dax- 7.5 weeks


Dax-7.5 weeks

Dax-7.5 weeks

Dax-7.5 weeks

Dax- 8 weeks

And, here's that adorable guy in action. 7.5 weeks-
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