Mom and Ada (6 months old)- in the tattoo parlor. waiting to get inked.

Finished product! Now Ada likes to touch it and say "bug." Sometimes more like a question: "bug?" Like, this looks like the other 3 trillion ladybugs around the house... but different...
I had intended this blog to be just about my 1 year anniversary of gettin' tatted up; but since I didn't begin blogging until Ada was almost 9 months old, I thought I'd include a few more pictures of one of my favorite stages thus far. I loved every single minute of 6-9 months!! (And 0-3 months, and 3-6 months, and 9-12 months. And 12-15 months. And now 15-18 months! I can't believe Ada will be a year and a half in a week!!!!)

6 months- Spring Break 2009 @ Grandma and Grandpa's

6 months- loving to swing. It would lull her into a trance!

6 months- 1st table food! Homemade butternut squash. She couldn't get enough of it!

6 months- sittin' pretty! Playing with the first of about 5 of these tea sets. She kept getting them for her birthday and holidays! She STILL plays with this thing!

6 months- incessant antibiotics for incessant ear infections. None since we put tubes in in December, though! :)

7 months- school picture day at Tigerland! We LOVED the baby room...we love the "Young Ones," too!

Actual school picture- she didn't like the photographer then, and she doesn't like the photographer now! (See post from December 2009)

7 months- sitting in the front yard, enjoying the grass tickling her chubby thighs.

7 months- kissing on her Daddy. She's so super affectionate- has been since she learned to bear hug about 4 or 5 months old!

8 months- venturing to the Westgate Community Pool.
Oh this made me smile. Sweet Ada girl. You are such an awesome momma... full of love. There is nothing better!
she is so stinkin cute i could bite her face!!
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