SWEET, also, because we got Sonic slushies for the trip(s). I'm ADDICTED to Route 44 Sonic Unsweet Tea (extra ice, please), and my friend D'Ann posted a few weeks ago how much her daughter loves Apple Juice Slushies (YES! They make those!) and today was the perfect day to introduce The Bug to the world's greatest beverage makers. She now, is obsessed.

Ada sippin' on her "slsh"

And SPICY because I just had to get some pictures of my bizarre-taste-budded-daughter eating hot sauce and green sauce by the chipful at dinner tonight. I sware this child has a perfect fusion of my preferences (tomatoes, avacadoes, bananas, berries, etc healthy fruits and vegetables)... and Casey's (spicy sauces and any condiment. The other weekend, I gave her Ranch to dip brocoli in and she ate the ranch with a spoon until it was entirely gone...) So here she is, in case you didn't believe it!

Aaaaah!!!!! She is so freakin' cute!!! I love how happy she is with the slsh, and chowing down on those chips. Yummmmmmm, can I join in the next family day? :)
So glad she loves the slush!!! I think it is a very fun treat for our little girls!! Claire is addicted to hot sauce too - sometimes she will look up at us and say "it's so hot" but then dive right back into it!!
I LIIIIIVE for days like that!
Funny, B loves the apple juice slsh. :-)
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