I slammed my finger in the car door. Bad. Like, it closed so completely that the interior light went off. And it hurt like HELL. I tried to pretend it was fine, mostly because I'm terrified of going to the doctor if I think there is a chance that I might be poked, prodded, or administered any type of shot- which I was afraid of because my fingernail has turned completely black and is swollen. But I decided to go on in since I'm pregnant and my health is ultimately Dax's health for 6.5 more weeks.... When they took my blood pressure, it was almost 150/90 because I was SO nervous about what they were going to do to me. You'd think they'd threatened to amputate my finger. And, alas- the verdict is in, sort of.
Probably broken, but the break is so high up (called a "Tuft" fracture) that there's no need for any type of surgery- and the risks of the x-ray (
since I'm preggo) don't outweight the benefits, so we won't know for sure. And my fingernail (
the more painful part, believe it or not) didn't need to be poked, prodded, or shot at- so I survived! I was prescribed a THIRD round of antibiotics this pregnancy to prevent any infection- if it were infected and my bone is fractured, it could lead to a bone infection. Which would be bad, and require poking and prodding. (
Right after the finger slamming:

A day later. The flash on my camera makes my nail look lighter- it's literally purple halfway up my nail- it's really attractive.

And, here was me yesterday, at 33 weeks, BEFORE I broke my finger! Poor Dax, he's been through so much with me these past few weeks! I hate taking so many meds that are going straight to the little man.
But you look SO stinkin cute!!!! So sorry about your finger :( it's always the small parts of our bodies that hurt the most.
Alicia oh my gosh.
You poor thing.
And seriously. You. Are. ADORABLE.
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