After living in this house for three years, I have FINALLY decorated our master bedroom!! This was the last room in the house that needed to be done (as
ide from the office, but that really just needs a few more office-y things).
These are the kids' rooms, since we're on the subject-Ada's -'s - is the before. Decent enough, I suppose. This is the color that our entire house was when we moved in. It's mind-numbingly bland. I WILL paint the rest of the house. Eventually...

I've been collecting things throughout the summer with my master plan in mind; and I committed to the final step this weekend- painting the walls. Once that was complete, it was a whirlwind of fabric, frames, and hardware! Oh, and Adele's new album. :)
First, a quick thanks to Team Dowell for their support, assistance, understanding, and positive words of affirmation-

And, here it is! In all it's glory! I LLLOOOOVVVEE it (
said in a growly voice). In fact, rarely are my visions realized EXACTLY how I'd hoped. And this one met and exceeded all of my expectations! I don't even mind the mis-matched nightstands and our cheap bed. They just add to the eclectic vibe I was aiming for. :)
Looks amazing! Your hard work certainly paid off. I'm inspired... now to just convince Rob. :)
COME DO MY HOUSE!!! I love the way you redo stuff! You are so talented!
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