
Photo Dump

Pictures of the last week or so :)
Dentist appointment for Dax and Ada. That was a lot of fun-

Tate eating apple slices at Jason's Deli-

Tate being adorable-
Dax getting a bell for his trike- and repeatedly ringing it in the checkout line!
Dax photo bombing selfies I was taking to post this maroon monogrammed scarf at the shop-
Every time we visit the dr (Ada had pink eye last week) Dax steals pair of latex gloves - 
Tate trying beans from tortilla soup. Jury is still out-
My boys helping unload the dishwasher-

Dax's chose is to unload the silverware into its drawer. I can't bring myself to straighten the drawer when he's finished bc it makes me so happy whenever I open it up and see the mess!
Tate the happy jailbird-

And how do I have no cute pictures of Ada!? So here's one I already posted from the Howlaween fest - love this pretty girl!

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