UPDATED: I added a video at the bottom! :)
Well, he's 9 months, and my heart bursts at the seem a little more each day for this little guy! He has got quite the personality we are learning. He WILL get your attention with grunts and squeals if it's what he wants... or he will elude your watchful eye as he inspects and tastes and explores everything in his path if that is his desire. He's completely taken with sister Ada (that sounds like a nun!)- and finds her utterly captivating, hilarious, interesting, and a tad scary all in one. Right up his alley.
He's closer to walking, but won't be there anytime soon (knock on wood). He's OBSESSED with walking along with his lawnmower walker- and has begun to realize that turning it is in fact in his power. So he's independently working on that one (thus spending extended periods of time stuck facing corners while he inches it back around). I have a video of him actually realizing his bipedal-ism for the first time on this walker- I will post it eventually. Now he can walk across the house on it (with a few interrupted rests on his knees!)
He has an internal honing device for anything electronic- phones, remotes, computers, cords. He. Will. Have. Them. (in his mouth!)
He's still loving bathtime- especially if sister's in the tub, too. Of which I also have videos and need to post. ~Crap~
He will wave hello and good-bye (when he feels like it!)- and invented his own clap.
He has become more demanding with his "mama"s and I love every syllable of them. He's got a pseudo-sign for "more" and "all done" that I understand, but no other human being would. However- last night he SAID "ah-duh" TWICE in a row for "all done!" Could've been a coincidence, since I squealed with delight when he did it the first time (in conjunction with the sign, so I had SOME basis for excitement!)...and he has been known to love a reaction out of me.
Just today he began playing an adorable version of peek-a-boo with his
Sweetish Baby taggie blanket. If he initiates the game, he just thrusts the blankie up and down too fast to even say "peek-a-boo" ... but if you say "GO HIDE, DAX!" he'll hold the blankie over his face for a few seconds and then THRUST it down and smile at you (
me), waiting for the exaggerated "
Those of you that watch Up All Night- have y'all seen the Children's Gym episode? Bahaha!)
He'll eat just about anything- I'm almost at the point where I'd feel comfortable just feeding him small pieces of our dinner (and do on occasion offer small bites)- except I'm so psycho about their first year's nutrition I him to maintain the ridiculous amounts of fruits and vegetables he is currently consuming, so I will continue steaming and pureeing organic foods for his pure little body. Oh, and I also forgot to mention my insane phobia of food allergies. Particularly egg and nut- and adult food sources are too untrustworthy to risk giving him doses of little scary proteins!
I think that's the bulk of the month's updates. Yes, I'm posting this on Christmas Day (night). Yes, I'm on Christmas break. Yes, Grams and Papa were here for 2.5 weeks. Yes, we re-did the office. But before any of those posts, it's time for the Montster Photoshoot-->
My heart is putty in your hands, little boy! |
Squawking- per usual! |
UPDATED: Here is the peek-a-boo video I promised! :)