NO, he's not 4 months old! Yes, he is. And he just gets more adorable, awesome, amazing with each month.
Ada has nick-named him "nushooginah"... I have NO CLUE what it means, where she got it, or what she may be *trying* to say. But it is seriously sticking. Sorry, Daxy!
He's starting to occasionally roll over the opposite way- but it's usually more of a knee-jerk reaction to rolling his normal tummy-to-back. He's not crazy about laying on his back, and I think he realizes that mid-roll; and must get back to his tummy ASAP!
He can sit semi-unsupported for extended periods- if he would just quit wanting to crawl so bad that he throws himself forward! This kid is constantly trying to devise ways to be mobile. Which I do not like. I don't like it one bit!
He'll giggle if you act really silly or tickle him- and still very smiley. But he also has a very serious side if he's learning something new, studying an item or person, or is simply thinking. (
About what? I'd like to know!) Much different from Ada, who was content to just make herself laugh! :)
He's getting re-accustomed to his carseat- it is no longer the bain of his existence.
He lllooooves to read- he'll sit still and listen and watch me read to him for up to 20 minutes sometimes. So cute!
Here are pictures from our 4 months monster photoshoot! Love this baby boy with all my heart!

Here he is lunging forward out of a perfectly fine seated position-