One of my oldest, dearest friends
Kirsten Holmes got married this weekend! We met in 4th grade- we were on the same softball team. And, even though our softball careers abruptly ended after that season, we remained friends... through Jr. High (
ugh), High School (
double ugh!), college (
yay!), and now.. We both went to A&M- she joined a sorority and I met this guy named Casey (
wink wink!)- so we spent lots less time together, but never grew apart. I would consider her a pseudo-sister since I consider her parents pseudo-parents. I love her family and was honored to spend the weekend celebrating her future life as a wife! :) Here it is, in typical Alicia fashion- picture overload.
Driving to Cleburne! I felt the need to document this because Dax, who if you remember from my last post, despises his carseat. And he did surprisingly well! Not without some assistance and entertainment by Mom.. but well enough for a pat on the back.
I spent the entire day on Saturday with the girls getting ourselves and Kirsten ready... and Dax tagged along. Here he is chilling in the make-up room. (YES! We got our make-up professionally done!! I didn't even recognize myself!)

Dax loving on Emily-

Meanwhile, Daddy and Ada were L-I-V-I-N' it up in Cleburne! They went to the park and the awesome mini-water park Splash Station- I wish I could've been there with them!

Ready to go to the church! Childhood friends: Emily, Kirsten, Alicia-

Mother of the Bride (
Rebecca), Bride (
Kirsten, duh!), and Maid of Honor/Sister of the Bride (

My little lady killer hanging in the church parlor while we put our dresses on...

Getting Kirsten in her gorgeous gown-

Kirsten and the sweet, sweet Holmes-

Bridesmaids! Emily, Jordan, Charlotte, Alicia-

Looooved her blue shoes!!

Ada had a BLAST at the ceremony- in the church NURSERY! Thank you again, Casey, for spending 2 hours in here with Dax and Ada!

Thought my bridesmaid dress complimented the decor quite nicely-

Looks like rain! But it stayed dry, thank goodness-

"I wanna go dance and eat cake!!!"

Eating macaroni and cheese with my girl-

Mama Corlis and Em'Lay!

Emily with her tall, lanky, bearded man... I mean husband, Aaron-

Attempting a family picture. I mean I have professional make-up and hair for crying out loud! Wasn't happening....

"Isn't She Lovely" Father-Daughter swing dance!

I told Ada Kirsten was a princess, and she was completely enamored with her while dancing together!

Ohhhh, I love Emily Sokolewicz Rowan! I miss you!

Dancing with my little man-

Ada dancing with Daddy-

The happy couple, Kirsten and Kirk Hinkson!

Dancing the night away-

On our way out- almost forgot to get a nice picture with Kirsten with us all done up!

5 minutes into the drive back to the hotel, everyone's zonked-

5 minutes after our bath and teeth brushing back in the room, Ada crashed mid-chair-climb-

What a whirwind weekend! It was amazing! Congratulations again Kirsten and Kirk!